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Welcome to St. Luke’s! No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We say that every week as a message of welcome, and we try to live it out in our way of life together.


You are welcome to learn more about us here on our website, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person by attending worship, participating in a service project or joining a fellowship group.


The purpose of our church is to change lives—not just to make a difference in the life of those who attend church here, but to make a difference in our community as well. We want to be a servant to our neighbors in need, be a witness to God’s big love, and carry hope with us into all the world.


St. Luke’s has been changing lives for more than 150 years, and we believe God has a bright future ahead for us, to continue changing lives for 150 more.



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